Lawan congratulates Christians and challenges them to imitate Jesus’ virtues

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Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan, the president of the Senate, has sent his congratulations to Nigerian Christians on the occasion of the holiday celebrations this year.

The nation’s top lawmaker urged the faithful to follow Jesus Christ’s advice to seek peace in society and to love their neighbors as themselves in a Christmas greeting posted on his verified Facebook page.

“I wholeheartedly rejoice with Christians in Nigeria as they commemorate this yearly holiday of the birth of Jesus Christ,” Lawan wrote in the statement.

“Through virtuous living, Jesus Christ’s life and teachings exhort his followers to be the light and salt that improve the world and the lot of people.

“Jesus Christ also gave his disciples the command to seek out peace in society and to love their neighbors as themselves.

“As we attempt to build a strong and joyful nation, it is crucial for Christians everywhere and for all of us in Nigeria to heed those magnificent precepts.”

In order to solve the nation’s development challenges and put the nation firmly on the path of progress, peace, and unity, he reassured them that the National Assembly will continue to support good governance.

Lawan asserted that throughout the previous three and a half years, the ninth National Assembly had collaborated with the Executive Arm to enhance the delivery of services by the government and all of its institutions and to elevate the standard of living for Nigerians.

In keeping with the August holiday, he wrote, “let us also keep in mind to pray for divine guidance for those directing the affairs of our nation, Nigeria.

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