Popular Nollywood actor Yomi Alore, also known as Yomi Gold, divorced his 15-year marriage and then announced his separation from his new spouse, actress Ameenat Abisola, a.k.a. Meenah.
This occurs just over a year after their covert wedding to the actress in January 2022.
Remember that Yomi wed the aspiring actress Ameenat in a private ceremony with no phones or cameras allowed after ending his 15-year marriage, which had given birth to two children, and delivered a child in April.
Yomi, who announced the dissolution of his second marriage in a post on his official Instagram page on Tuesday, adding that his now-estranged wife deserved a better guy and that he is far from perfect and continuously working on improving himself.
Meenah and I made the decision to part ways. I need all of our supporters, families, and friends to comprehend. To judge now would be inappropriate. No one should try to force the end of love.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and concern. A man like me is not what Meenah deserves. She is a decent woman. She will be a loving and wonderful partner to someone who is far better than I am. Despite the fact that I am far from flawless, I promise to improve.
We want everyone who knows about us to be aware of our choice, so this must be published.