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The FCT’s DRTS has introduced a self-service facility to facilitate the registration of vehicles.

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The Directorate of Road Traffic Services (DRTS) in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) recently created a self-service platform that allows automobile owners to choose their own license plates and streamlines the vehicle registration process. This was announced in Abuja.

Vehicle owners may now register, renew, and choose their license plates from the convenience of their own homes thanks to the portal (drts.self-service.fctevreg.com), which was launched a few months ago.

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According to Dr. Abdulateef Bello, director of the DRTS, the project is a first of its kind in the nation and will greatly simplify a procedure that was previously laborious and tedious.

We are demonstrating our dedication to utilizing technology to enhance the user experience with the launch of the DRTS Self-Service Portal, which is a major step forward in the delivery of public services.

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“We are establishing a new standard for vehicle registration in Nigeria by providing a seamless, automated, and transparent process,” he remarked.

He corrected several previous falsehoods by saying that the Central Motor Registry (CMR), not his office, is responsible for managing and selling license plates. The importance of this difference in comprehending roles within the DRTS framework cannot be overstated, he said.

He asserts that the entire procedure for paying for vehicle registration has been mechanized, which removes the chance of overpayment and gives users peace of mind while they go through the registration.

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The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) manufactures license plates, an essential component of the car registration procedure. We are currently experiencing a shortage of number plates due to the FRSC production plant’s operational capacity being below optimal level.

Nevertheless, Bello reassured the public that plans are in the works to resolve these production concerns in order to fulfill the increasing demand.

According to Bello, it is crucial for the public to be properly informed and guided about the value changes in motor vehicle administration and the new improvements made to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the services of DRTS. He emphasized the importance of public awareness regarding these changes.

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