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The NSCDC cautions job seekers and applicants to be wary of con artists

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The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, or NSCDC, issued a warning to all applicants on Thursday, advising them to be wary of scammers who may try to trick those who have applied for a freshly posted position in a variety of methods.

This was mentioned in a statement released on Thursday by DCC Olusola Odumusu, Director of Public Relations, NSCDC National Headquarters, Abuja.

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According to kuryaloaded, the corps just posted job openings. But soon after, communications from unnamed sources advised all applicants to get ready for computer-based exams that will be administered on January 8, 2023, in certain locations across the nation.

The corps, however, denied knowledge of any computer-based examinations and cautioned the public to be aware of suspect individuals with ulterior motives.

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He claimed that the message in question was false and that NSCDC did not send it.

“The NSCDC wishes to state clearly and categorically that this message is fake, misleading, and a calculated attempt by fraudsters and cyber criminals to take advantage of the recruitment process in order to extort unsuspecting applicants of their money by causing panic and creating unnecessary tension with the said write-up,” the official said.

In a grandiose attempt by job racketeers to mislead and confuse them into paying different sums of money under the pretense of helping to shortlist them for the aptitude test and getting placement in NSCDC, the statement warned members of the public and desperate job seekers not to fall prey to extortions and job scams.

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