
Emefiele is using “voodoo economics,” so get rid of him, Buhari said

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Godwin Emefiele, the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has been accused of using voodoo economics, and President Muhammadu Buhari has been urged to fire him immediately.


Emefiele has recently been connected to fraud, misappropriation of public funds, and fostering unhealthy practices in the nation’s currency management.

Emefiele must be removed from office, according to the Coalition Against Corrupt Leaders in Nigeria (CACLN), a pro-democracy organization.

When protesters seized the Presidential Villa to oppose Emefiele’s retention as CBN governor, CACLN made the call.


A sizable crowd attended the “Emefiele Must Go” demonstration.

Speaking to reporters during the protest, the group’s convener, Dauda Yakubu, claimed that Emefiele had dishonored the esteemed apex bank.

Yakubu bemoaned the fact that Emefiele had turned the nation into an international laughing stock.


He emphasized that Emefiele was unfit to serve as governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

“The Governor of CBN, Godwin Emefiele, has not only desecrated the venerated apex Bank in Nigeria, but he has also made the nation a laughing stock in the comity of nations,” he declared.

His proclivity for voodoo economics is renowned as well. The country’s economy has actually suffered in unthinkable ways as a result of the policy reversals and inconsistent budgetary measures.

It is still unclear why the governor of a nation’s sensitive CBN would become involved in partisan politics by running for president and spending billions of naira from the bank’s cash reserves to do so.

According to the organization, Emefiele introduced the redesigned naira to hide some of the irregularities he allegedly continued while in government.

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