
NSCDC established a brave female team and assisted in reducing security in Kaduna

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Idris Yahaya Adah, the commandant of Nigeria Security and Civil Defense (NSCDC), Kaduna, said on Thursday that the active role played by the corps’ officers and members in the state contributed to increased security of people’s lives, their property, and federal government infrastructure throughout the state’s 23 local government areas.


In a statement to commemorate the end of the year 2022, the command’s public relations officer, DSC Habeeb Badamasi, noted that commandant Adah, who assumed command at the height of insecurity in Kaduna State, had used his intellectual approach to keep the level of unrest there to a bare minimum while working with other security personnel in the state.

“Within this very year alone, Commandant Adah has established three additional area commands, nine additional divisional offices across the 23 Local Government, trained several officers on weapon handling, and also deployed officers and men to strategic locations to ensure a 24 hour patrol throughout the state.

He claimed that as part of his dedication to his job, he repaired malfunctioning vehicles to allow for simple movement and continuous patrol by officers and personnel under his direction.


The female squad, according to him, “ensures zero tolerance for vices among students, including cultism, thuggery, hooliganism, kidnapping, rape, drug addiction, gambling, smoking, and drinking, among others.

Through our Agro-ranger Unit, we also handled disputes between farmers and herders that may have led to the destruction of life and property.

Among other accomplishments, he claimed that the Peace and Conflict Management Unit’s alternative conflict settlement process successfully concluded over 500 cases.


The command recently dispatched approximately 3000 officers across the state, he continued, to ensure a trouble-free holiday season.

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