
Marie Stopes is at fault for the illegal abortions in the Northeast, while the Nigerian Army was cleared

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The foreign news organization, Reuters, had accused the Nigerian Army of performing unlawful abortions.


Reuters charged the Nigerian Army with carrying out a routine, unlawful, and covert abortion operation in the Northeast on December 7th, 2022.

According to reports in the foreign press, the Nigerian Army had terminated over 10,000 fetuses among women and girls.

According to Reuters, women and girls who have experienced insurgency have had abortions.


The Centre for International and Strategic Studies, CISS, condemned the study and cleared the Nigerian Army of the charges.

According to CISS, the illegal abortion program in the Northeast was the brainchild of the British NGO Marie Stopes International Organisation Nigeria, or MSION.

The revelation was made in the Annual Report by the Centre for International and Strategic Studies, CISS, and the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on Rights and Security, CCSOHRS, on the Federal Government’s War Against Insecurity/Insurgency in Nigeria.


On Wednesday, the report was delivered at the International Conference Center in Abuja.

Reuter’s report was labeled as “propaganda and slander against the Nigerian military” by the center.

According to the story, on December 7, 2022, Reuters, a reputable international news company, purportedly stated that the Nigerian military was aborting children as part of a slaughter. Consequently, Reuters claimed that the military was allegedly aborting women in the North East Zone who were pregnant by Boko Haram sect members and also murdering youngsters who were disparaged as the sect’s offspring on the one hand and sympathizers on the other. The three-part Reuters study and publication titled “Nightmare in Nigeria: A Conflict Waged on the Lives of Women and Children” is smear campaign against the Nigerian military. Mass abortions in Nigeria are officially attributed to the British NGO Marie Stopes International Global Partnership.

The center voiced concern over why Reuters chose to attack the Nigerian military, which is carrying out its duty properly and professionally, by reporting on Marie Stopes International Global Partnership, a British NGO that “is accountable for such crimes.”

According to the report, the NGO’s goal is to make sure that women and families have children voluntarily and not by accident. The organization has effectively prevented 15,317 unwanted pregnancies, 6,344 abortions, 5,719 unsafe abortions, 79 maternal deaths, and 4,581 mortality and morbidity, among other things, according to Mr. Jonathan Nachia, the MSION Research Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the North East.

The statement continues, “The Reuters report, ‘Nightmare in Nigeria: A Conflict waged on the Lives of Women and Children,’ is incorrect and should be disregarded. The Nigerian military is a well-trained force that ranks among the best in the world. She is aware of the rules of engagement, and in the fight against the Boko Haram insurgency in the North East, the Nigerian military adheres to them. As claimed by Reuters, the Nigerian military has never been proven responsible for any war crimes or crimes against humanity.

“The Reuters report is largely part of a coordinated attack against the Nigerian military. Therefore, it is now necessary for the Nigerian government and military to monitor NGO activities throughout Nigeria, particularly in the North East Zone. This will assist in putting them in checkmate and stop their defamation and propaganda activities against the Nigerian military. When all is said, it must be submitted that the Nigerian military has been very professional in the fight against Boko Haram insurgency and has not by any means, been found culpable.”

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