
Residents of Kaduna purchase last-minute products despite the exorbitant expense of food

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Residents of Kaduna bemoaned the high expense of food and livestock on Wednesday, five days before Christmas.


Despite the fact that many people in the state, particularly Christians, are making preparations to buy food and other needs to celebrate the season, they are worried that prices for food items like rice, yams, soup ingredients, and animals for slaughtering have skyrocketed beyond their means.

According to Matha Yakubu, a local, a bag of rice now costs 60,000 instead of the prior price of 40,000, and the price is rising every day.

A trader named Mallam Abdullahi Tanimu claimed that the increased cost of transportation was a factor in the general increase in food prices.


The seller of soup components, Mrs. Ruth Madaki, added, “As a trader and all those involved in buying and selling of foodstuff, know that this period is a moment to make money. To celebrate Christmas as well, every dealer wants to raise the market price of their food products.

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