Nazir Sarkin Waka ya kawo mafita akan wadannan bayin Allah na Jirgin Kaduna-Abuja

BIDIYO: Jaruma Hannatu Basheer Ya Bayyana Kallon Yan Iska Da Ake Yiwa Matan Kannywood

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Wato jaruma hannantu bishir wani video nata ya bayyana akan kallon yan iska da akewa matan kannywood wata babbar jaruma kannywood wacce tana daya daga cikin manyan matan kannywood:


Today, a video of Hannatu Bishir, one of the prominent ladies of Kannywood, talking about the unkind treatment given to women working in the profession surfaced online.

Remember that Kannywood women are also examples of uneducated people who dress inappropriately for their culture. One of the main issues that started to ruin the Kannywood sector is this.

The fact that parents are forbidden from seeing Kannywood films because they believe their kids shouldn’t learn to dress in ways that are inappropriate for their culture is what is beginning to undermine the Kannywood industry.


Hannatu created this film for this purpose, and in it, she outlines the steps that, in her opinion, could lead to reform in the Kannywood sector if taken.

Asha kallo lafiya video of Wannan Shine.

See this video for further details.



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