
Ensure Southeast is tranquil and safe over the holiday season. Nnamdi Kanu directs IPOB and ESN

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The Eastern Security Network, or ESN, has been tasked with making sure that the Southeast is secure by Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) leader Nnamdi Kanu.


Kanu asked ESN to put an end to all acts of hostility in the Southeast because the group’s adversaries were enlisting criminals to destroy Igboland.

In a message to mark the holiday season, Emma Powerful said that opponents were stirring up unrest in the Southeast using the names of IPOB and ESN.

“It is essential to convey the message from our great leader Nnamdi Kanu to all Biafrans, both at home and abroad, as well as to the major and minor political figures and businesspeople in Biafraland, urging them to put an end to all acts of violence and tension directed at our people because our enemies are persistently taking advantage of us and enlisting criminals to devastate, particularly Igboland, and then accuse IPOB of being responsible.


“This message comes from Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, our great prophet and unyielding liberator, who has been wrongfully held in DSS prison by the Nigerian government for more than a year. During their visit to him today, Thursday, December 22, 2022, at Abuja DSS detention, he sent the message through his attorneys.

“Our Leader issued a harsh warning to those who are hired and paid by the criminal who claims to be an IPOB member and a student of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to sow discord in the Eastern area to stop from being destabilization agents because they cannot succeed. He asserted that anyone generating issues in the area must be dealt with, regardless of how high their status may be, at any time or on any day.

“Kanu warned that during this holiday season, no one should trouble or threaten our people. The goal of our opponents’ intentions is to undermine Igboland by portraying IPOB and ESN as foes of the Biafra fight, but they have failed miserably and are powerless to regroup now that we have utterly vanquished them.


“During this festive season, he encouraged IPOB leadership to make sure that our nation is quiet and that ESN Operatives concentrate on making it so. Anyone seen or captured kidnapping, stealing people’s automobiles, or terrorizing our people in any other way should be dealt with, according to Mazi Nnamdi KANU’s command.

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